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Title Manufacturing Indonesia 2023 (Jakarta) Date of upload 2023-11-23
Uploader °ü¸®ÀÚ Hits 8231

Exhibition Overview
     1) Exhibition name: Manufacturing Indonesia 2023, Jakarta
     2) Exhibition schedule: December 6-9, 2023 (4 days)
     3) Exhibition location: Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran (within 1 hour from Jakarta Airport)
     4) Event scale: 1,685 companies from 36 countries participating and 32,000 visitors / exhibition size 15,000§³
     5) Exhibition items: factory automation, robotics, manufacturing, transportation, packaging, etc.
     6) Exhibition Features: Manufacturing Indonesia is an international meeting place where local industrialists can view and compare the latest manufacturing technologies from around the world. The previous event attracted 1,685 exhibitors from 36 countries and regions and was visited by 31,596 industry experts from Indonesia and across Southeast Asia.

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